If we ain't got it, you don't want it - Reisverslag uit Petrópolis, Brazilië van Geiske Groot - WaarBenJij.nu If we ain't got it, you don't want it - Reisverslag uit Petrópolis, Brazilië van Geiske Groot - WaarBenJij.nu

If we ain't got it, you don't want it

Door: Geiske

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Geiske

07 Januari 2013 | Brazilië, Petrópolis

Petropolis, oh Petropolis
No! NO! Leave Petropolis? Why gringas? Why? Surely no other place is a match for beautiful Petropolis! Our inquiries were met with looks of utter incomprehension. The unbelieving blinking that said: no, this must be a language barrier misunderstanding.  After all, what can there be found elsewhere what is not better, bigger, and more special here? You want to go to the famous nature park Serra dos Órgãos? But there is a beautiful hill here right here, behind the hostel, in beautiful (yes, once more, I swear) Petropolis!  
Jungle Jane
But disobediant gringas as we were, we went anyhow. Three busses and lots of concerned locals - two foreigners made it to Petropolis! - later we were ready for our hike. Or so we thought. First we had to find our way through non-signposted rural back streets to the park entrance. So past hibiscus hedges, five meter high cacti, and a limping street dog we walked up to the trail head. The reward was great: an amzing trek through thick vegetation, up to a crashing waterfall. Green, green, everywhere. Sweat dripping from our faces, as the humidity approached 100%. Flowers, butterflies, and birds. Not to mention some barefoot river crossings. Hours later, Jungle Jane points earned, we treated ourselves to lunch at the local eatery: a full plate of rice, sticky black bean sauce, the most tender chicken ever, and crispy salad. And all of that for next to nothing. What a life!  

The true history shall be revealed
Of course, we didn't want to disappoint the locals too much, and ticked off all Petropolis' highlights as well: Imperial Palace, cathedral, church, church, house, another beautiful building, and so on. And we finally "got ourselves educated about the TRUE history of aviation" (quote: tourist office dude). For, no, it were not the Wright brothers who made the first airplane flight, certainly not. No, no, it was Brazil's very own Santos Dumont! A hero like none alike. His former house now his museum. Where every scrap of history about this man had been collected. Which is not easy if your subject is a minimalist. So we adequately admired the blueprint of his house, letters, and furniture. But where, oh where was that reference to the Wright brothers? Come and see if you can find it...  

After three days of being the local curiosity around here, it's time to make our exit. Before the hostel staff executes their plans of marrying us of to some locals, so we will never leave beautiful Petropolis indeed... Next stop: Ouro Preto.

  • 07 Januari 2013 - 21:49

    Marieke Poley:

    Klinkt weer als een mooi verhaal Geis! En leuk dat jullie hebben doorgezet! t Was t waard zo te horen. Geniet er maar van.
    Liefs Marieke

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